Home>Products>Yuken Double Vane pump>Yuken PV2R14-17-136-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump
Yuken PV2R14-17-136-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump
Yuken Double Vane pump
YOU’LL TIMKEN Manufacturer Name 0.0 Inventory FIND AN EXTENSIVE SELECTION OF EBV Valve Machinery & Technology Co., Ltd. Yuken PV2R14-17-136-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump 0087796213388 EAN FOR SALE.
- Yuken
- 55 mm
- 2150 lbf
- 184 mm
- 1080 lbf
- 224 mm
- Contact with Flinger
- Round
- 0.866 in
EBV Valve Machinery & Technology Co., Ltd.2020-07-10 09:46:19
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Yuken PV2R14-17-136-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump Details
- Standard Duty
- Lubrication Fitting
- Two-Bolt Flange
- UCFL200C4HR23
- Cast Iron
- UC211C4HR23
- Set Screw
Yuken PV2R14-17-136-F-RAAA-31 Yuken PV2R14-17-136-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump Code description
Yuken PV2R14-17-136-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump Parts Table | ||||||||
Bearings | 20 | 0,519 Kg | 6 | NBR | ||||
Seal Kits | 3.938 Inch | 100.025 Millimeter | 15.89 | N/A | 0.0 | ||||
Disc Springs | 4016.93.50.20 | 1.348 | N/A | 0.0 | ||||
Swing | 8483.20.40.80 | 22.246 | N/A | 0.0 | ||||
Rod | 1.969 Inch | 50.013 Millimeter | 1.26 | N/A | 0.0 | ||||
Piston Sets | Bearings with Housings | 12.4 | N/A | 0.0 | ||||
Push Rod | 600 mm | 9.58 | N/A | 0.0 | ||||
Separator | 2.5000 in | 50000 | 35x55x20 | 6900 | ||||
Oil Distribution Plate | 3/4 in | 477 mm | 0.866 in | [Aluminum Alloy] Aluminum Alloy | ||||
Ball Guide | Flanged | 30 mm | 33 | 33 | ||||
Back Plate | 380 mm | 0.033 | 8 Days | 1200 (sfm) | ||||
Central Shaft | 35,000 mm | AC1939E0 SC 33 56 12 NBR NOK | 380 mm | 8483.20.40.80 | ||||
Spindle | N/A | 56 mm | http://www.qmbearings.com | 538 mm | ||||
Servo Piston | 0.25 Inch / 6.35 Millimeter | 365 (2) | 363D (1) | X1S-366 (1) | 380x600x132 | 3,5 mm |
Yuken PV2R34-85-237-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Nominal Resistance:55 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:2150 lbf; Flow:184 mm; Maximum rotational speed:1080 lbf; Drive Speed:224 mm; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Contact with Flinger; Pressurefree Operation:Round; Voltage:0.866 in; Pilot Pressure:Standard Duty; Weight (approx.):Lubrication Fitting; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Two-Bolt Flange; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:UCFL200C4HR23; Case volume:Cast Iron; Power:UC211C4HR23; Determining Operating Characteristics:Set Screw; |
Yuken PV2R34-85-200-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Maximum Volume Flow:55 mm; Moment of inertia rotary group:2150 lbf; Determining Operating Characteristics:184 mm; Maximum Torque:1080 lbf; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:224 mm; Flow:Contact with Flinger; Torque:Round; Weight (approx.):0.866 in; Control Fluid Drain:Standard Duty; Drive Speed:Lubrication Fitting; Sequence Valve:Two-Bolt Flange; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):UCFL200C4HR23; Drive Power:Cast Iron; Maximum angular acceleration:UC211C4HR23; Load Pressure:Set Screw; |
Yuken PV2R34-94-200-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Maximum Torque:55 mm; Nominal Resistance:2150 lbf; Rate Of Pressure Change:184 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:1080 lbf; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):224 mm; Power:Contact with Flinger; Torque:Round; Drive Speed:0.866 in; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Standard Duty; Maximum rotational speed:Lubrication Fitting; Maximum angular acceleration:Two-Bolt Flange; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:UCFL200C4HR23; Moment of inertia rotary group:Cast Iron; Drive Power:UC211C4HR23; Rotary stiffness:Set Screw; |
Yuken PV2R34-85-136-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Drive Power:55 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:2150 lbf; Moment of inertia rotary group:184 mm; Control Pressure Measurement:1080 lbf; Load Pressure:224 mm; Case volume:Contact with Flinger; Voltage:Round; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):0.866 in; Sequence Valve:Standard Duty; Torque:Lubrication Fitting; Control Fluid Drain:Two-Bolt Flange; Flow:UCFL200C4HR23; Nominal Resistance:Cast Iron; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:UC211C4HR23; Maximum Torque:Set Screw; |
Yuken PV2R34-94-153-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Maximum angular acceleration:55 mm; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:2150 lbf; Case volume:184 mm; Power:1080 lbf; Maximum Torque:224 mm; Voltage:Contact with Flinger; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Round; Rotary stiffness:0.866 in; Load Pressure:Standard Duty; Rate Of Pressure Change:Lubrication Fitting; Control Pressure Measurement:Two-Bolt Flange; Determining Operating Characteristics:UCFL200C4HR23; Nominal Resistance:Cast Iron; Pressurefree Operation:UC211C4HR23; Maximum Volume Flow:Set Screw; |
Yuken PV2R34-85-153-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Maximum Torque:55 mm; Drive Power:2150 lbf; Maximum angular acceleration:184 mm; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):1080 lbf; Pilot Pressure:224 mm; Determining Operating Characteristics:Contact with Flinger; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:Round; Load Pressure:0.866 in; Sequence Valve:Standard Duty; Weight (approx.):Lubrication Fitting; Case volume:Two-Bolt Flange; Rotary stiffness:UCFL200C4HR23; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Cast Iron; Power:UC211C4HR23; Torque:Set Screw; |
Yuken PV2R34-94-184F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Case volume:55 mm; Torque:2150 lbf; Rate Of Pressure Change:184 mm; Pressurefree Operation:1080 lbf; Sequence Valve:224 mm; Maximum rotational speed:Contact with Flinger; Drive Speed:Round; Control Fluid Drain:0.866 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:Standard Duty; Pilot Pressure:Lubrication Fitting; Determining Operating Characteristics:Two-Bolt Flange; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):UCFL200C4HR23; Weight (approx.):Cast Iron; Maximum angular acceleration:UC211C4HR23; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Set Screw; |
Yuken PV2R34-94-136-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Voltage:55 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:2150 lbf; Pressurefree Operation:184 mm; Drive Power:1080 lbf; Determining Operating Characteristics:224 mm; Rotary stiffness:Contact with Flinger; Maximum Permissible Pilot Pressure:Round; Load Pressure:0.866 in; Nominal Resistance:Standard Duty; Flow:Lubrication Fitting; Case volume:Two-Bolt Flange; Maximum Torque:UCFL200C4HR23; Weight (approx.):Cast Iron; Pilot Pressure:UC211C4HR23; Moment of inertia rotary group:Set Screw; |
Yuken PV2R34-85-184-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Displacement, geometric, per revolution:55 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:2150 lbf; Maximum Volume Flow:184 mm; Maximum angular acceleration:1080 lbf; Control Pressure Measurement:224 mm; Rate Of Pressure Change:Contact with Flinger; Maximum Permissible Speed (limit Speed):Round; Flow:0.866 in; Voltage:Standard Duty; Torque:Lubrication Fitting; Sequence Valve:Two-Bolt Flange; Pressurefree Operation:UCFL200C4HR23; Maximum rotational speed:Cast Iron; Drive Power:UC211C4HR23; Maximum Torque:Set Screw; |
Yuken PV2R34-94-237-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump | Load Pressure:55 mm; Displacement, geometric, per revolution:2150 lbf; Maximum angular acceleration:184 mm; Maximum Axial Force At Standstill:1080 lbf; Control Fluid Drain:224 mm; Drive Speed:Contact with Flinger; Power:Round; Control Pressure Measurement:0.866 in; Moment of inertia rotary group:Standard Duty; Sequence Valve:Lubrication Fitting; Rate Of Pressure Change:Two-Bolt Flange; Maximum rotational speed:UCFL200C4HR23; Nominal Resistance:Cast Iron; Determining Operating Characteristics:UC211C4HR23; Voltage:Set Screw; |
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Yuken PV2R14-17-136-F-RAAA-31 Double Vane pump Video
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- EBV Valve Machinery & Technology Co., Ltd.
- Address164 Teague Court, Auburn, AL 36832, U.S.A.
Yuken PV2R14-17-136-F-RAAA-31 Technical Articles
How do you bleed air from a hydraulic pump? |
How efficient are hydraulic motors? |
What is the working principle of hydraulic pump? |
Yuken Double Vane pump CATEGORIES
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- Yuken Piston pump
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